Thursday, December 11, 2008

God's Position on Sin

I know I often blog about funny things that my family does. This is an exception.

I have been impressed over the last couple of weeks about Jesus' response to sinners. I have though long and hard about this and the only people that Jesus got harsh with were the Pharasees of that day. All sinners who came to Jesus weren't criticized, they were loved! From the prostitute to the Tax Collector -- all received compassion.

A verse of scripture that I believe outlines the message and method of the church is when Jesus rebukes the Pharasees and tells them he came, not to the righteous, but to the sinner. It's the same place he said "we don't call the doctor for the healthy, but the sick."

The church has to be on task of being the hospital for the sick. We need to do what the people of Jesus' day did -- bring the sick to Jesus feet. That's our job. Our job isn't to heal them, it's to bring them to the healer.

Many churches miss our calling. We think we need to heal the sick. We DON'T need to heal the sick, forgive people's sins or straighten people out. We need to just bring them to Jesus, one at a time, and let him heal them! And whatever HIS version of healing is, we need to accept that they are healed and love them just the same!

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