Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What's That Song?

My phone has a cool feature on it -- you can play a song on the radio or cd, it will listen to it, compare it to a computer bank of songs and tell you the name of the song, the name of the artist and the album. It also gives you the option to buy the song from iTunes.

I was explaining this to my daughter last night in our car. We were watching "Cars" and a song was playing in the background. I turned on the feature on my phone and it gave me all the information of that song that was playing in the background of the movie. My daughter then took my phone and started singing to it. Thinking it would pick up on her song and tell her who the artist was etc.

I guess you had to be there.


Unknown said...

The innocent unpolluted mind of a child is so sweet! (smile)

Maresa said...

Hey found your blog. This was to funny.( not finding your blog, what you daughter did)lol kids...don't you just love them?